Monday, March 14, 2011

Friday Morning and God's still here

It’s a Friday morning, nothing really different from the usual. I wake up with the same tiredness that I’ve felt all week, however, there’s that small glimpse of excitement that this is the final day of my work week. I get up, get ready, and take care of the dogs, as is my usual morning ritual. Since my car has decided to poop out on me once again with a flat tire, I’ve been back to the bus since Wednesday. I grab my things, take my last swig of tea, and get ready to set off on my walk to the neighborhood bus stop only to notice that I have $5 and no change. Now, being the DART expert that I am slowly but surely becoming of here recent, I know that the bus requires exact change and my fare for the day’s journey is $3. Oh lord…this is NOT what I need…I have no way to get change, and quickly. I don’t want to wake the neighbors; and there are no ATMs readily available. So, my quick journey down the end of the street and the corner has now turned into a nice walk down NW Hwy and to the Kroger on the busy intersection. Now, as most of you know, Texas is hot in August. And a brisk early morning walk in your work clothes in the lovely humidity is not something to look forward to. But, I tell God as I’m rolling my eyes and finding the patience I need, well, at least its 8:00 in the morning and there’s somewhat of a breeze. And come to think of it, I could use the exercise anyhow. So, I kiss the doggies goodbye, lockup, and start off on my morning walk to the first available cash machine. As I’m jaunting down the hill, I can’t help but think to myself how European I am…I mean, they do this sort of thing all the time (public transportation and all). Then, as I get a little further, I find myself thanking God for my 2 legs that allow me the privilege of walking…it could be so much worse. As I wake a little more, feeling the squishy uncut grass still fresh with the morning dew tickle my toes through my flip flops, I think to myself, I will explore a new bus stop and maybe I’ll see my friend Joe that I haven’t seen in a while. Maybe this was God’s plan all along for this Friday morning. Who knows…attitude is everything, and the morning is slowly but surely looking better. I stop at the local gas station that’s just a hop skip & jump closer than the Kroger and decide I will purchase a little breakfast of healthy vitamin enriched powered donuts and voila! I will have my $3 exact change that I need. After wishing my immigrant friends at the Chevron a Blessed day…I journey across the street to the next closest bus stop. Oh what joy...this one has a bench!! I’ll be able to sit and read in the shade (yes thank you Lord there’s still a little left). Not to mention, the multitude of cars rushing by on the busy 6 lane street provide an added bit of air flow to my shaded morning respite. So, I enjoy the biography my father has so graciously lent me as I patiently await my chauffeured ride to work. Not much later, the big yellow motor vehicle pulls up to the stop and I speedily close my book, throw my purse on my shoulder and get my exact change ready as the doors open to the glorious air conditioned ride awaiting me. I step up the 3 stairs to be greeted by my favorite driver. I happily say ‘good morning!’ with a smile. As I start to put my exact change in the cash machine, he responds to my greeting with, ‘would you let me buy your fare today?’ As I stand there in awe trying to decipher what he has just presented me with…he asks again…’May I be a blessing to you today?’ Oh Lord, can this be? I thought You put ME on the bus to be a blessing to others that you put in my path. And here someone wants to bless me? I excitedly say ‘yes!’ and several thank yous later, almost tear struck, I take my seat. There is no moral to the story, only my thoughts in wanting to share my blessing with you. I will undoubtedly pay this gift forward, but in the meantime, I relish in the thought of its Friday morning and God’s still here!

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